Blog On!

My creative light is seldom off, but oh how I wish - with just a clap of my hands - I could as easily turn on the words.

Truth is, I'm in the dark about where to start. To me, writing is a bit like the boogeyman! 

That said, this new website and it's blog, present fresh opportunities to peel back the covers and tip-toe into a new venture. 

In the coming weeks, I plan to offer you snapshots into what it's like to work as a professional stylist, designer and producer. I'll dig through my photo archives and even share some behind the scenes tomfoolery - and what it's really like to have my real-life, dream job.  

When I'm not behind the camera, I daydream about my other ventures - my textile manufacturing company, Raw Materials Design and my delightfully never-ending project - my own home. It's a laboratory (and often a magazine set) for all kinds of projects, many of which feature stories about how to get organized.  I promise to open each cupboard and drawer, nook and cranny, and let you snoop around.

I hope you'll stop by for peek through my lens!
