As a photo stylist, I'm always on the lookout for interesting items - props - that I think will help to make a story or a photo sing. Propping is the most challenging part of my job - yet it's also the most fun!
I'm often asked how I prop for a story, where I prop and shop, what inspires me and what I collect for myself.
I've learned how to quickly scan through a shop or an antique mall and I've developed an eye for the unusual and how it could potentially be pressed into service in a new way. I'm inspired by color and shape but mostly I'm inspired by what I could do with something as potentially boring as an old cheese mold, or a HUGE aluminum colander!
Yep, those are two of my luckiest finds!
I have a rule about what I bring into my own home. I have to love it - sure, but it also has to have purpose.
And that's one of my secrets. Don't just collect what you love – use it!
I'll show you how.
This year, June 3rd and 4th, I'll be at the annual Farm Chicks Vintage and Handmade Fair in Spokane, Washington. Would you like to learn to Shop Like A Stylist? I'm leading shopping sessions and I'd love it if you'd to join me! You can purchase sessions by going to the home page and clicking on Farm Chicks.
BUT, I'm GIVING AWAY a spot in my Saturday, June 3rd, 4pm to-6pm time slot AND a Full Weekend Admission Ticket to Farm Chicks as well!
Just fill out the form at the bottom of this page and tell me what's been your luckiest find yet, how you use it and what you're hunting for next. You need to enter by Friday, May 19 for a chance to win. The winner will be notified via your email address.
BTW, that old cheese mold – this is what it holds.